Crying sand dunes

publisher: Shonen Shashin Shimbunsha
photo and text by Fujiwara Koichi


 写真と文 藤原幸一

Rain shadow is a dry area on the backside of a mountain near the sea, created by dry winds and the lack of rain and/or snow. The rain clouds formed from the sea is blocked and cannot reach the other side of the mountain.

Rain clouds formed at sea will pour a lot of rain on islands and at coastal regions even if there are no mountains. The rain clouds disappear over a long distance, and eventually a desert is formed inland on the continent. This is called an interior desert, found in the heart of a continent.

In addition, cold sea currents from the Arctic and Antarctic flow towards the equatorial sea. Cold currents lower air temperature,making it difficult for rain clouds to form. The result is a desert near the coast of the continent.




As you fly through the desert, you'll discover many white lakes and ponds. However, the lake and swamps aren’t what they once were, as the water has evaporated and only the salt is left.

The salt found in the desert came from seawater trapped ashore long ago when the sea level rose during the ice age or when the seabed rose and created landed. Such salt terrain is called "salt pan" or "playa".

Deserts have a short rainy season, and only then do the salt pans return to flooded lakes and ponds. Rain removes salt contained in the soil and flows down to salt pans at lower areas.

Now, the world's population is increasing, and people are migrating to the desert. They pump water from underground to live and water the desert on a daily basis to grow grass and crops eaten by cattle and sheep. Then, the soil and sand under the ground will act like a paper, causing the salt dissolved in the water to gradually seep to the surface.

That causes pastures and crops to fail. A vicious cycle is created where more salty lands are created.






From winter to spring, when there is rain and fog rises in the desert, it creates an unbelievable landscape. A colourful flower field spreads across the dry, dry desert.
They were asleep as seeds in soil and sand and have survived with roots and succulent stems.

When you look at the desert flower fields, you will notice that all the flowers are growing very close to the ground.
There is not enough water or nutrients to grow a long stalk in the dried-up desert. The flowers bloom and create new seeds but wither very quickly.

Many popular horticultural plants, such as alstroemeria, pine blossom, aloe, protea, and gazania, which are often found in Japanese florists, are actually desert plants. Plants growing in the desert are easy to grow because they require less water and are spread throughout the world. The distant desert is also connected to our lives in unexpected places.




Australia is the driest continent in the world. The Great Dividing Range runs north to south on the east side of Australia, and to the west of the range lies the dry land called the "outback".

The dry area of ??the continent is called the Australian Desert. Its size is 14 times the size of Japan. It accounts for 70% of the continent, with dunes, salt lakes and rivers without water.

Rain clouds born in the northern tropics head south, causing rain to fall on the coastal areas. As the clouds flow further south, the rain clouds disappear and the inland changes to a dry climate. The Western Australian Current, which comes from Antarctica flows northward along the western coast of the continent. As a result, rain clouds are less likely to be born from the sea, and the coastal area is also desert.

Dry air masses concentrated in the center of the continent, cover the continent all year round. The more inland the drier it gets where the annual precipitation does not reach 100 mm. Deserts in the northern area are particularly hot, with annual rainfalls of around 500 mm, but with very high evaporation of water. In the southern desert, precipitation is as low as 300 mm, but evaporation is very low.


大陸の乾燥している一帯を、オーストラリア砂漠とよんでいます。その広さは、日本全土の14 倍にもなります。大陸全体の70%をしめていて、砂丘と塩の湖、水が流れていない川が広がります。




Namaqualand is a rocky desert extending more than 1,000 km north to south, extending south of the Namib Desert in Africa to northwest of South Africa. The desert is divided into two sections; Little Namaqualand, the desert area in South Africa and Great Namaqualand, the area south of the Namib desert.

Namaqualand is the land of the Nama tribe. The Nama live here free-raising cattle and goats. Although it is barren land with only 150 mm of annual rainfall, a flower field appears in September, when spring comes, just like the Atacama Desert in South America.

Early in the morning, fog comes from the sea to inform you of the arrival of spring. In this area where there is little rain, the fog causes the vegetation sprouts and the flowers to blossom. There are 4000 species of wild plants that blossom in the rocky desert.

The Namib Desert, is mainly a sandy desert, beginning near the border with Angola in the north, is 1,288 km long, and 48km east to west. Maybe 55 million years from now or 80 million years ago, it has repeatedly grown and shrunk, but it has existed as the oldest desert in the world. The size of Namib Desert and Namaqualand combined is about 1.3 times that of Japan.

Recently the population in the city has grown so much that many people have moved to the desert. Migrants are pumping groundwater and raising livestock and crops. Large amounts of water have caused salt damage, and overgrown livestock have eaten the few desert plants. Due to this, areas that were semi-arid climate have been changed into arid climate.

ナマクワランドは、アフリカのナミブ砂漠の南から南アフリカ北西に広がる、南北1000km 以上の岩石砂漠です。南アフリカの砂漠をリトル・ナマクワランドとよび、ナミブ砂漠南側のグレイト・ナマクワランドとわけています。



ナミブ砂漠は、北はアンゴラとの国境付近から始まり、長さ1,288km、東西ははば48kmで、主に砂砂漠です。今から5500万年? 8000万年前から大きくなったり小さくなったりをくり返しながらも、世界でもっとも古い砂漠として存在してきました。
ナミブ砂漠とナマクワランドを合わせると、日本全土の1.3 倍ほどです。



Every spring, the yellow sand blowing from the west to Japan is talked about. It is thought to be due to desertification of the grasslands in Inner Mongolia in China and the Republic of Mongolia. In China, desertification extends to Beijing.Desertification is also severe in Sahel, a semi-desert region in the southern Sahara Desert of Africa.

Desertification is spreading around the world. Currently, it is said that if you count the area that is likely to become a desert, it will be about a quarter of the earth. According to a United Nations survey, every year the desertification area is about 60,000km2

Why is the desert spreading? One of the causes is global warming. In addition, increasing numbers of livestock in the desert are eating the desert plants causing the plats to no longer grow. Wildlife has disappeared due to the destruction of grasslands and the few remaining forests. In addition, the salt that appears from underground by watering the desert stops crop growth. Everything is caused by people.

Desertification makes it unliveable, death by starvation and makes living impossible. There are concerns that fights will arise caused by trying to obtain water and food.






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